Ten ways to medicate your pet you may not have thought of…

December 7, 2023

The Switcheroo. Give a few treats in quick succession. Without hesitation make the next one the meds, then quickly another treat. We are going for a ‘what the?’ moment, quickly forgotten.

The Chaser. Used for liquids. Into a syringe, draw up some potent yummy liquid such as the juice or oil from a can of tuna, sardines, gravy or the juice from the roast chicken bag. Into the same syringe draw up the required medicine dose. Squirt the whole lot in their mouth in one go.

The Spread and Roll. Spread paste medicine, or a crushed tablet mixed into something spreadable like devilled ham spread, cream cheese or peanut butter, thinly across a piece of deli silverside, ham etc. then roll up like a cigar before offering.

Cat Crack. Also known as Dine® Creamy Treats. This should probably be illegal as it clearly has something addictive in it that cats adore, and can be a very useful medicine disguiser.

The Fat Trap. Who can resist roast chicken skin? Wrapping the meds directly in a little of this or even cooked salmon skin, adds an irresistible smell and a little fat to help compensate for the nasty pill taste.

The Whoopsie. Preparing dinner at the chopping board, ‘accidently’ drop a bit of something yummy on the floor, then drop the tablet. This technique has even been known to work with cats, believe it or not.

The Kardashian. Hide the tablet in a split fresh prawn, fillet steak or square of raw tuna. For those expecting only the best.

The Houdini. Take a pellet of air-dried pet food such as Frontier® or K9®, and add about a teaspoon of warm water to soften it. Mold around the tablet or capsule or better yet, crush and mix through, to form a chunky ball of deliciousness.

The Oscar goes to… My personal favourite. Place the offending medication into a crinkly chip packet. Make a lot of noise getting the packet then reluctantly give the capsule (possibly somewhat disguised) to eager waiting dog.

The Mix and Match. Keep one step ahead and keep ‘em guessing by changing how and who gives the meds, as often as you can.