Vet Compounding Services
ATARA Vet Compounding Pharmacy realise that medicating a sick animal presents a unique set of challenges, whether that be accessing the right dose form and size of the medication needed, making sure all the ingredients are safe or simply convincing them to take it. Below are just some of the vet compounding options that can be useful in tackling these challenges.

Flavoured pastes are a flexible option for dosing animals of all sizes. For a cat, a small blob of tasty paste can be measured via a syringe onto a finger, then wiped into the side of a cat’s mouth, mixed with food or put on favourite treat.
A paste can also provide variety when dosing a fussy dog. It can be spread on a piece of ham and rolled up or sandwiched between treats or cheese. Birds, rabbits, guinea pigs and ferrets can be given a small volume of suitably flavoured paste or gel, even horses love a sticky gel, squirted straight into their mouths from a “dial-a-dose” syringe.
For many medicines, a liquid dose form is often the most economical option to compound and has the added benefit of being able to easily alter the dose if required. It is important to get both the texture, degree of sweetness and flavour right for an animal, as bribery with a trip to the park rarely works! At Atara, we have a wide range of flavours and bases to choose from, including banana, chicken, fish, beef, raspberry, caramel, peanut butter, orange, coconut, pineapple, cherry, apple and more.

We can compound customised products incorporating medications to treat hot spots, atopic dermatitis and wounds with bases especially developed for fur covered skin. Sprays, ointments, topical gels with the medication needed can be made in the concentration and amount required for that one special patient. Even powders that adhere to wet areas are possible.
Product discontinued? Not made in Australia? Temporarily out of stock? Or the medication is only made for humans in peppermint flavor but you need it for a kitten? By being able to access and create a product from the pure ingredients, a custom-made vet compounded product can fill the need for that certain situation where nothing else will do.